How to tar .gz files?

I have the gzip utility installed on machine and now i am compressing the files using gzip command.
i need to archive the .gz files using the tar command, but i get the command
'tar' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
do i need to install the tar utility also? if yes from which site could i get the tar.exe?
Kindly help me..

You can check by running one of the following 2 commands, if tar is present on your machine or not:

which tar
 \# this should give you the full path of the tar executable, if present


echo $PATH | grep tar

If you dont find tar in any of the above then you will have to search for the executable by executing the following command:

find / -name tar

If you find it, then you can first tar your files and then gzip the *.tar file

I would try to get tar.exe from the same place you got gzip.exe.

A quick google search gives me this:
Tar for Windows

If you are doing this interactively (ie, not part of a script), you can always check out any of the compression utilities, such as Winzip.

What platform are you talking about?