How to sync without rsync?

rsync for solaris seems to be a spotty beast. It's not installed by default. I facing a problem where I didn't have root access to be able install rsync. I did have ssh access and was able to configure the authorized keys so that no password was required to connect from one server to another. What I required was a means of copying the contents of one directory to another directory on another server. Others may find this useful, so here it is:


# This script is used to copy the contents of /export/home/oracle/reports
# to remoteusr@remoteserver into the directory /export/home/myuser/data/reports

cd "$DIR"

# Gather a listing of the files from server directory and the remote directory.
# It finds the file differences and copy the files to the destination directory.
# Only missing files are copied. Sub directories are not considered

for i in `find $DIR -type f`

# Strip out the directory garbage leaving only the file name and see if it exists on the remote server
FILE=`echo $i|awk 'BEGIN {FS="/"} {print $6}'`
REMOTEFIND=` ssh $RUSER@$RSERVER "find $RDIR -type f -name $FILE" `
if [ ! -n "$REMOTEFIND" ]
# The file does not exist so copy it over.
echo -e "copied file $i " >> "$LOGFILE"

echo -e "Remote backup `date` SUCCESS\n----------" >> "$LOGFILE"

If I was going for efficiency, I would've loaded the directory contents into an array and done array comparisons...but this quick and dirty solution gets the job done.

nice thank you!
you can also use ssh with tar to copy files from one server to the other, just for info!