How to sum the matrix using awk?


A1	B1	A2	B2
0	0	1	1
1	0	0	1
0	1	1	0
1	1	1	1


label	A1	B1	A2	B2	
A1	2	1	1	2
B1	1	2	2	1
A2	1	2	3	2
B2	2	1	2	3

The number of times that A1 and B1 row values are both 1 should be printed as output.
The last row of A1 and B1 in the input match by having 1 in both columns. Therefore it will be printed in the output as 1.


sorry. I updated the question. Please let me know if it is still confusing.

I guess you want to sum up the (per row) ANDed values of the respective columns. Try

awk '
NR==1           {for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) HD=$i
                 if (MXNF < NF) MXNF=NF
                 for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) VAL[i,L]=$i

END             {for (i=1; i<=MXNF; i++)
                   for (j=1; j<=MXNF; j++)
                      for (l=1; l<=L; l++)

                 printf "Label\t"
                 for (h in HD) printf "%s\t", HD[h]
                 printf "\n"
                 for (i=1; i<=MXNF; i++)
                        {printf "%s\t", HD
                         for (j=1; j<=MXNF; j++)
                                printf "%s\t", RES[i,j]
                         printf "\n"
' file
Label    A1    B1    A2    B2    
A1    2    1    1    2    
B1    1    2    2    1    
A2    1    2    3    2    
B2    2    1    2    3    
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something to start with...
given input as:

0       0       1       1
1       0       0       1
0       1       1       0
1       1       1       1

awk -f qui.awk myFile where qui.awk is:

function calc(x,y,  i,comm) {
     if (a[i,x] && a[i,y]) comm++

{ for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) a[FNR,i]=$i;nf=NF;fnr=FNR }
  for(i=1; i <= fnr; i++)
       printf("%s%d%s", (j==1)?"":OFS,calc(i,j),(j==nf)?ORS:"")