How to solve "ioscan -En" hardware errors


I found devices errors in #ioscan -En.

it is showing that soft errors = 0 and hard errors= 5.

what should i do for hard errors=0.


for which device are the errors? if it is a dvd/cdrom drive you don't have to worry... if it is a hd you should better order a replacement for the disk... also have a look at /var/adm/messages for errors of the same drive. some faults at iostat aren't critical... but if the error rate grows better replace the drive.


Any updates? How is your drive mirrored? Have you performed your backup?

Hi frnds,

Thankx for replay.......
The thing is .....

Some physical Input/Output error has occurred. If the process was
writing a file, data corruption is possible.
First find out which device is experiencing the I/O error. If the
device is a tape drive, make sure a tape is inserted into the
drive. When this error occurs with a tape in the drive, it is
likely that the tape contains an unrecoverable bad spot.

If the device is a floppy drive, an unformatted or defective
diskette could be at fault. Format the diskette, or obtain a

If the device is a hard disk drive, you might need to run


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