how to set the ulimit on AIX 5.2 version?

how to set the ulimit on AIX 5.2 version?

The posts in the FAQ submission queue are for submitting a FAQ to be put up. Not for asking questions. I have moved the thread to the AIX forum where it has the best chance of being answered.

Also, suggest that you do a bit of searching on the net before asking questions. This man page should help.

There are 2 ways
Editing the limits file (take efect after reboot)
edit /etc/security/limits

instant change to the settings ( logout and back in to take efect )

chuser rss=-1 username
chuser fsize=-1 username
chuser data=-1 username
chuser nofiles=4000 username
chuser "stack=8388608" username

sorry then to check just use ulimit -a