How to send a file in UNIX through email which is created only 15 minutes before the current time?

I wanted to send an email to the client whenever there is failed record created in a /feed/HR-76/failed folder after processing of feed file.

I can find out with the help of below script that what is the new file created but that file didn't make just 15 minutes before.

MESSAGE="Failed records"

inode=$(find /feed/HR-76/failed -maxdepth 1 -type f -iname '*.txt' -printf '%T@ %i\n' | sort -rn | awk '{print $2;exit;}')
newest=$(find /feed/HR-76/failed -maxdepth 1 -inum "$inode")
echo -e "$MESSAGE" | mailx -S smtp="$SMTP" -a "$OUT" -r "$newest" -s "$SUBJECT" "$EMAIL1"

Above code is giving me only file is on the top.

There is some time when there will be no failed record but this code is sending already existing file.

I want to send only failed record file which is created only 15 minutes before otherwise no file should send.The format of file is Employee_DD-MM-YYYY_HH-MM-SS.txt

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