How to say goodbye to a fellow admin via Shell script.?

I have a good friend leaving my place of employment. He's an old greybeard. His first job was sorting punch cards. I'm serious.

I'm looking for suggestions on a short shell script to write in his card to say good bye.

Please be creative and obfusticating!

have fun with it.


Not terribly obfuscated:

trap "echo goodbye;sleep 10" 0 1 3 15
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He is world renowned for his terse emails:

My solution:


WRT the old joke about replacing people with small shell scripts. I guess I'll have to implement this as a cron now:

"" 8 lines, 505 characters

 BE=`|grep "active(yes"|awk -F- '{print $2}'|cut -c 1-2`
 ABE=`|grep "active( no"|awk -F- '{print $2}'|cut -c 1-2`
 if [ "$ABE" -gt "$BE" ]
         mailx -r -s "`hostname` is on the wrong boot environment" \<<<$'\n please reboot it to the correct BE, \ngratitude \
         \n\n None of us are as smart as all of us.\n Spam me, please\n'


echo " Greybeard logged off <this date>"

cheers, drl

This is a Solaris forum - maybe you want to mention some old well-known SunOS terms

sunview || /usr/openwin/bin/openwin