How to retain file permissions during FTP on Solaris 5.9 ?

Hi All,
I am trying to ftp a file :

-rw-rw-rw- 1 oraclepbdw dba filename.txt

from Machine A ( where umask is 022) to Machine B (umask 022)
but the file changes to

-rw-rw-r-- 1 ftpamle3 ftaml filename.txt

Dur some constraints the group of the users on either side cant be changed .
Can we somehow change the permission using chmod in ftp itself ?
or, any other solution.....
(remotehelp on ftp prompt shows SITE ... but dont know the proper syntax)
Please advice !!!!

Your client may support it. Try:
chmod 666 filename.txt
if that doesn't work try:
site chmod 666 filename.txt

U can use the tar command to restore the permissions, group members, etc.

yes, from "man tar":