How to remove a directory called "--"

I need to remove a directory called "--"". But it seems "--" linked to /export/home/usr1, which I do not want to delete. How to rm "--" safely?

The OS is Solaris 9.

Try to delete it using a ftp client.

perl -e 'rmdir("--")'

First thing that I'd recommend, is to make a backup of /export/home/usr1

Then, from the /XXX/XXXX/XX/XXXX/dir1 directory, run this command:

rm -rf ./--<filename>

If it was a file, you could easily delete it via it's inode number

ls -il
find . -inum <number>| xargs rm

Also the -- thing when given to cd results in the current directory. Your directory is not a link.

quite easy

rm doesn't accept -- on first position, same as touch, rmdir and almost every other standard command

so user it on second place

rm blablo --

blablo must not exist

also for creating such files, you can use "touch blablo --"

for some jokes with colleagues :wink:
�hm I mean for better understanding!!!!

Edit: rmdir, not rm

As you said, "--" is not linked to /export/home/usr1.

rm -rf ./-- works!