How to recover Hp-ux O/S Disk from Mirro Disk

All of my unix forum friends. I mirrored my hp-ux o/s disk with the help of LVM on a disk array. Can any one tell me the procedure if the O/S disk fails then how could i recover the system disk from mirrored disk


It will just continue to work off the other side of the mirror. Then you will shut the box down and replace the bad disk. When you reboot, the system will notice the fresh disk and resync the mirror automatically.

Dear friend
Thanks for your reply. I'll try do as you describe.
so i just only add a new disk and sync it

Waqar Alam

No, if it is a root disk you must do a series of commands as well.

You probably already figured it out, but i will post some instructions. First of all, in many cases the disk, if it is truly dead can be pulled and replaced hot-swappable.

Run diskinfo and pvdisplay on the disk device. Diskinfo should give you an error if the disk is dead. IF however, the disk is partially alive then I would suggest shutdown and come up to single user mode and do the same steps.

Some folks recommend reducing the mirror, but that is overkill imho...if you have an older box, K-class or older, it might be a more cautious approach.

pvcreate -B /dev/rdsk/c4t6d0 ## may not be needed.
vgextend /dev/vg00 /dev/dsk/c4t6d0
mkboot /dev/rdsk/c4t6d0
mkboot -a "hpux -lq" /dev/rdsk/c4t6d0
lifcp /dev/dsk/c4t6d0:AUTO
mkboot -b updatediaglif -p ISL -p AUTO -p HPUX -p LABEL /dev/rdsk/c4t6d0
mkboot -b /usr/sbin/diag/lif/updatediaglif -p ISL -p AUTO -p HPUX -p LABEL /dev/rdsk/c4t6d0
vgcfgrestore -n /dev/vg00 /dev/rdsk/c4t6d0
vgchange -a y /dev/vg00
vgsync /dev/vg00

Kelam_Magus, I've done this at least a dozen times with mirrored root disks. You just swap the physical disk and it will resync.

EDIT HERE: I noticed you said replace and reboot... Mine instructions were for a hot swap for a mirrored vg00 disk.

If it is a vg00 root OS disk that is what HP suggests...

If it is outside of vg00 but still an OS related disk then I agree.

vgcfgrestore (disk)
vgsync vgXX