How to read outlook mails for a particular user and store that mail description in a excel/notepad

My requirements are :-
Remote connection to the another server with log in credential.
Read the mail from a particular user with date,subject and contents and
store these data in XLs with consecutive columns (date,subject and contents).

Mail that XLs to multiple user those are in a mailing list.

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Hi pludi,
Thanks for a reply, I'm stuck in below mentioned thing.........
can u suggest me what should i do
1-Read the mail from a particular user with date,subject and contents and
store these data in XLs with consecutive columns (date,subject and contents)


I can give you suggestions on how to approach this task, but I can't give you a complete script.

The basic flow would be like this (in pseudo code)

open imap(s) connection to exchange server
select inbox
open local file for writing
request listing of all email elements
foreach element
    get date, subject, body from element
    write "date;subject;body" to local file
close local file
close imap connection

Everything else depends on the language you choose. Personally, I'd user Perl or Python, but it can also be done in bash or C.