How to print file without first column

Hi, unix Gurus,

I hit a problem, I want print out a file without print first column. for example:

123  abc cde ...
234  cde def ...

I want to get as following:

abc cde ..
cde def .. 


anybody can help me out.

Thanks in advance.

$ cat sample7.txt
123  abc cde ...
234  cde def ...

$ cut -f3- -d" " <sample7.txt
abc cde ...
cde def ...

You want to look at 'cut'

[mute@geek ~]$ cut -d' ' -f3- file
abc cde ...
cde def ...

Hi, Thanks both of you. the code very close to, but I got little problem.
I have file:

39613  ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into (AAA)
39653  ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into (AAA)
39693  ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into (AAA)

after I exec the code, I got

cannot insert NULL into (AAA)
cannot insert NULL into (AAA)
cannot insert NULL into (AAA)

but I want to get as following:

ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into (AAA)
ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into (AAA)
ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into (AAA)

Thanks in advance

try this perl code. But some how the last column "..." is not printed. I assume you dont need them.

any perl expert can correct my code. I am a beginner. thanks in advance.

while (<INPUT>) {

my ($x, $y, $z, $a) = split (/\s/);

print "$y $z $a\n";}

See if this awk fills your requirement

awk ' {$1=""; print }' input


perl is a bit much. have a look at the file, is that first " " a TAB?
-d param to cut is the delimiter, -f3- is fields 3 and more. in previous sample, you had 2 spaces before you wanted output. Now maybe you have TAB?

cut -f2-

Hi, neutronscott,

It works, by the way, how can i know it is TAB or space in unix file.
thank you very much

cat -vet myFile will display tabs as ^I