How to print contents side by side of a file ?

Hi Team,
I have input like

Input file.txt
   Total: 939720704 bytes
   Total: 521142272 bytes
   Total: 262144 bytes
   Total: 786432 bytes
   Total: 9043968 bytes
   Total: 9371648 bytes

I need out put like the content of file should be side by side.that is 1st line beside to that 2nd line again new line etc...this should repeat for n number of lines of given input.

 TITL1                                TITLE2
Total: 939720704 bytes         Total: 521142272 bytes
Total: 262144 bytes               Total: 786432 bytes
Total: 786432 bytes               Total: 786432 bytes
Total: 9043968 bytes            Total: 9371648 bytes

can somebody help me this


Something like this?

$ cat a
   Total: 939720704 bytes
   Total: 521142272 bytes
   Total: 262144 bytes
   Total: 786432 bytes
   Total: 9043968 bytes
   Total: 9371648 bytes

$ sed 'N;s/\n/         /' a | awk 'BEGIN{print "TITLE1\t\t\t\t\tTITLE2";}1'
TITLE1                                  TITLE2
   Total: 939720704 bytes            Total: 521142272 bytes
   Total: 262144 bytes            Total: 786432 bytes
   Total: 9043968 bytes            Total: 9371648 bytes



Try with..

paste - - < inputfile
% cat > testfile
Input file.txt
   Total: 939720704 bytes
   Total: 521142272 bytes
   Total: 262144 bytes
   Total: 786432 bytes
   Total: 9043968 bytes
   Total: 9371648 bytes

% printf "%-30s%-30s\n" Title1 Title2; \
tail -n+3 testfile | paste - - | 
awk '{ printf "%-30s%-30s\n", $1 " " $2 " " $3, $4 " " $5 " " $6}'
Title1                        Title2                        
Total: 939720704 bytes        Total: 521142272 bytes        
Total: 262144 bytes           Total: 786432 bytes           
Total: 9043968 bytes          Total: 9371648 bytes