How to preserve NL in Ksh variables?

I'm trying to set a variable to the output of a command.

This is what the comand output to the display looks like:

/>hciconndump -v TOsiu
Dump of connection(s): TOsiu
  Process: A60Tsiu              Connection: TOsiu
  EO Proc:
EO Config:
   EO Msg:
Data Type: frl                               Options: AUTO
RecoverDb: Yes               Hold: No       SendOnly: Yes
Disk msgs: No
Save Msgs:  in: No   Inbound File: TRsogaITS
           out: Yes Outbound File: TOsiu
Comm Type: pdl-tcpip
     Mode: Client   Port: 18001              Host:
Reconnect: Yes    Reopen: 5
      PDL: mlp_tcp.pdl

When I set my variable equal to the results of this command all the NL in the output are apparently lost. I want to preserve the output in my variable exactly as it is displayed on the screen so that I can ECHO it later and it looks correct.

/>myvar=`hciconndump -v TOsiu`
hsdvim1b@hci (/qdxtest/qdx5.4/integrator/msjsf2)
/>echo $myvar
Dump of connection(s): TOsiu ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Process: A60Tsiu Connection: TOsiu EO Proc: EO Config: EO Msg: Groups: Data Type: frl Options: AUTO RecoverDb: Yes Hold: No SendOnly: Yes Disk msgs: No Save Msgs: in: No Inbound File: TRsogaITS out: Yes Outbound File: TOsiu Comm Type: pdl-tcpip Mode: Client Port: 18001 Host: Reconnect: Yes Reopen: 5 PDL: mlp_tcp.pdl ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Is there a way to tell Unix Ksh to preserve the NL when assigning command output to a variable?


echo "$myvar"

should do it.

So simple, yet so illusive. Thanks.