How to mount a filesystem of one pc in another pc that are connected in a network?


I have a software in one of the pcs connected in the network and I need to mount that file system in my PC. Both the pcs have Linux installed. Please let me know how can we achieve this.

Any pointers would be of great help.

Thanks & Regards,

Dear Friend,
make a entry /etc/exports
like below

dir hostname1(rw,sync) hostname2(ro,sync)

/home/Management 192.168.X.YY(rw,sync)

Note :
dir - Directory
hostname1,hostname2 - were you need to mount
rw -read write
ro - read only

another end you can mount like below

mount hostname:dir destination
mount 192.168.X.XX:/home/Managaement /home/PM

i think it is help you ??

adding some points to my old mail
also you can make auto mount also

Hi Sabari,

          Thanks a ton for your help. It's working.. :\)
