How to monitor the IBM AIX server for I/O usage,memory usage,CPU usage,network..?

How to monitor the IBM AIX server for I/O usage, memory usage, CPU usage, network usage, storage usage?

IBM has Redbooks about this subject. Go to the IBM Redbook page and search for "aix performance".
There is also a very good search function in this forum where you can just check for "performance" when having the "AIX" subforum selected. Please do something by yourself and ask again when you have more particular questions.

As another start you can use vmstat, iostat etc. but you will have to read a lot to understand what you see or ask here again as said.

To make it even more easier for starting where to search at, check the top of the AIX subforum:

Try the command "nmon". If unavailable, download it.

Another tool (not as complete as nmon) is "topas".

thank you for the support .