How to manipulate a text file and store each version for every changes in a directory?

I attached both picture and *.txt file of a sample work file. In this file Reactions which only start with "r1f", "r2f", "r3f"......and so on. And for each reaction the reaction rates is situated couple of lines later with a "+" sign.

For each reaction rate there are three numbers. I want to change the first And 3rd numbers in reaction rates with +/-75%. For each changes in the file I want to store them in a directory. How can I do it?

Here is a piece of code that i am working with


           #usage thisScript inputfile multiplier


grep -Po "^(r[0-9]*f[^ ]*|\+[^\!]*)" Prob01.txt | paste - - > stepOne 

function domath {     

                  local theanswer=$(echo $1 $multiplier | awk '{printf "%7.6E\n" , $1*$2}' | sed -E -e 's/[Ee]\+*/E/g' -e 's/^([^-])/+\1/g')    

                echo $theanswer 


lines=$(cat stepOne | wc -l) 

for ((i=1;i<=$lines;i++)) do 

    suffix=$(printf "%02d" $i)     


while read c1 c2 c3 c4; do         

case $line in              

                 $i)     lineOut=$(echo -e "$c1 \t $(domath $c2) $c3 $(domath $c4)")                


                *)       lineOut=$(echo -e "$c1 \t $c2 $c3 $c4")                 



               echo $lineOut >> $outFile.$suffix         


              done < $inFile 


Welcome to the forum.

I'm not sure I fully understand what you're after; some sample output file might help. But - why that complicated? You're using awk anyhow, so why not

$ awk -vMUL=$multiplier '/r[0-9]*f/ {RF = $1} /^\+/ {printf "%s\t%+7.6E\t%s\t%+7.6E\n", RF, $1*MUL, $2, $3*MUL}'  /tmp/Prob01.txt 
r1f:O2+2PD=>2O-PD	+5.250000E-02	+0.000000E00	+0.000000E+00
r2f:C3H6+2PD=>C3H6-PD	+7.350000E-01	+0.000000E00	+0.000000E+00
r3f:C3H6+O-PD+PD=>C3H5-PD+OH-PD	+2.060489E-01	+0.000000E00	+0.000000E+00
r4f:H2+2PD=>2H-PD	+3.450000E-02	+0.000000E00	+0.000000E+00
r5f:H2O+PD=>H2O-PD	+1.869339E-01	+0.000000E00	+0.000000E+00
r6f:CO2+PD=>CO2-PD	+3.750000E-03	+0.000000E00	+0.000000E+00