How to make parallel execution on folder ?

I have few very huge files ~ 2 Billion rows of 130 column(CDR data) in a folder, I have written shell script need to read on each file in a folder and will create a new files based on some logic.

But problem is it's taking time to create a new file due to the size , So i dont want to corrupt the data while one process reading the file when i have concurrent run. So required some mechanism to intimate the process that the files is already in process i.e take the next file to process.

I was thinking on flock but not sure will it help me or not !

Can some one suggest me an idea to implement this process?


I'm not sure I understand your setup, but would creating the result files in a different directory help?

Hi Rudic,

The shell script will read the files and create the new files with required column , Example if i have file1.csv contain 120 column my requirement is to create new file only with 30 column.

For the above process i am creating temp files to re-structure the files.

In this case if some one tries to run the shell for the same file it will corrupt the data.

So need to implement file level lock or flag mechanism.

Why and how?

Hi Rudic

Please find the attachment , Basically the script is to re-arrange the column in a file to required column.

Example: File1.csv contain column 1,2,3 but the file we required in 2,1,3 order

The attached script will read the order from the control /metadata table and re-arrange the columns.

In the above case if my folder contain 10 files, i need to make sure parallel access should not cause data corrupt or repeating of work.

You need to make up your mind what you want to achieve and what restrictions you have to obey.
Can you suppress parallel execution of your script by using e.g. a file in the /var/run directory (which would be easiest)?
Can you (temporarily) move the files acted upon to a different directory?
Can you log the files acted upon and have your script respect this info?


One technique for parallelizing processing on large files is to use GNU parallel. If you are interested in re-arranging the order of fields in a file, say with cut or awk, then parallel can create a sequence of processes to do this in chunks.

Here's an example from the man page:

EXAMPLE: Processing a big file using more cores
       To process a big file or some output you can use --pipe to split up the
       data into blocks and pipe the blocks into the processing program.

       If the program is gzip -9 you can do:

       cat bigfile | parallel --pipe --recend '' -k gzip -9 >bigfile.gz

       This will split bigfile into blocks of 1 MB and pass that to gzip -9 in
       parallel. One gzip will be run per CPU core. The output of gzip -9 will
       be kept in order and saved to bigfile.gz

       gzip works fine if the output is appended, but some processing does not
       work like that - for example sorting. For this GNU parallel can put the
       output of each command into a file. This will sort a big file in

       cat bigfile | parallel --pipe --files sort | parallel -Xj1 sort -m {}
       ';' rm {} >bigfile.sort

       Here bigfile is split into blocks of around 1MB, each block ending in
       '\n' (which is the default for --recend). Each block is passed to sort
       and the output from sort is saved into files. These files are passed to
       the second parallel that runs sort -m on the files before it removes
       the files. The output is saved to bigfile.sort.

Note that it covers two cases, the second being where the process cannot do simple appending.

Best wishes ... cheers, drl