How to loop use while loop in csh script?

Hi all,
i got 2 text file.

i want use C shell script to write out
while both of the file got different i going to write it in 1 while loop?

what do you mean when you say both the files got different limit..

i set all variable in text file
file.txt = got 7 array
value.txt = got 5 array
then i want write loop that 2 file in 1 statement while.

do you want to write the all the arrays in your file to a different file or something??

cat file.txt >> out_file
cat value.txt >> out_file

now your out_file has your file.txt and value.txt.

But i am thinking this is not your query. i am extremely sorry i am not able to know what are you expecting.
can u show me the output of what are you expecting...

File txt
path1 group1
path2 group2
path3 group2

group1 value1
group2 value2

while i set all data as variable:
and i loop file.txt if their group is equal to group in value.txt
then output cm out.

The problem i face is i success write while loop for file.txt.
Now i want add value.txt in that statement while loop.
For ur info
file.txt got 6 variable while for value.txt only got 4 variable.