how to login with ssh to remote system with out applying the remote root/usr password

how to login with ssh to remote system with out applying the remote root/user password

with rlogin we can ujse .rhosts file

but with ssh howits possible
plz guide

Search the site for the keyword "SSH public key authentication". There is (thankfully) no 1:1 equivalent to .rhosts

Follow the below procedure to setup passwordless login.

Consider host1 is the server from where you are trying to do passwordless ssh to host2.

  • In host1, generate a public and private key pair for root
ssh-keygen -t dsa
  • In host2, go to .ssh under / and put the public key from above in authorized_keys [create it if not there and give it 644 permission]

  • From host1, try ssh to host2 and say yes to add the host entry in known_hosts for future

Next time when you will do ssh host2 from host1 it will be passwordless.
