How to integrate all the systemctl commands into a shell script to verify any daemon/agent service?


Can we integrate all the systemctl command into a shell script to verify any service with all the options of systemctl if service integrate with the operating system service management tools to deliver their functionality.

sudo systemctl start <service_name>
sudo systemctl stop <service_name> 
sudo systemctl restart <service_name> 
sudo systemctl reload <service_name>
sudo systemctl status <service_name> 
sudo systemctl condrestart <service_name> 
sudo systemctl list-unit-files --type=service  <service_name> 
sudo systemctl enable <service_name> 
sudo systemctl disable <service_name> 
sudo systemctl is-enabled <service_name> 
sudo systemctl list-dependencies <service_name>
sudo ls /etc/systemd/system/*.wants/ <service_name>
sudo systemctl daemon-reload <service_name>

I was thinking just to have a clear ordering and way they can run in sequence (Not much aware about the sequence and how we club them into the script to make it a functional verification script) just to verify the entire commands for the service. Please assist.

---------- Post updated 05-04-18 at 09:38 PM ---------- Previous update was 05-03-18 at 11:11 PM ----------

Any suggestions folks!

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