How to install devtoolset-4 on RHEL Workstation 7.2?

Good morning I`m a fresh new user of RHEL, I have some problems to install the python`s package devtoolset.
Up to now I have tried with

# yum install devtoolset-4

which is the way suggested in all guide I have found.

But I get the message:

No package devtoolset-4 available.

I think is a problem of the so called optional channel.
I have enabled the packages of workstation extra, workstation rhn tools and workstation option.

What should I do?

check the user perrmissions first.

will he has required permissions for installing the package.

and let me know reflecting error on the screen.

Hi, how should i check it ?
Thank you.

log in with the same user and try to install some other non-installed package into your system first. and see the diffrence.

for example :- # yum install telnet* -y

Ah, ok, actually I have installed other packages such as:-




# sudo yum install scipy / numpy

Also in this case in the beginning I had no package found, but after I have enable same optional repository it works.
