How to install AIX 5.3 on vmware


I want to install AIX 5.3 for running DB2. As AIX cannot be installed on normal PCs without vmware, trying to install it on vmware. Could any one help me out how to do it.
Thanks in advance.


I'm not sure what makes you think it can be installed on VMWare.

The only VM it supports is the type supported by IBM.

IBM Power Systems PowerVM

How can I get power VM?
Do I need to buy it from IBM? and what is the difference b/w vmware and power VM?
I also want to know if I have power VM, how can I proceed to install AIX 5.3 on it.

No, you can't install on intel system AIX, with vmware too.

you can find DB2 for windows(32), windows(64), linux...

IBM software downloads - Trials and demos search results

it works.

Yes, you need to buy it from IBM, or one of their partners, perhaps.

VMWare is a product sold by a company of the same name.

PowerVM is provided by IBM to run on their POWER systems.

But you don't need PowerVM to run AIX:

And as john1212 points out, you don't need AIX to run DB2.

I am a beginner and want to learn DB2. So to practice, I want to install DB2 9.5 on AIX 5.3(though I can run it on windows, want to do it on AIX only because most companies use it) . Is there any way that I can install DB2 9.5 on AIX 5.3 on a normal P
C (core i3 processor, 4GB DDR3 RAM and 1GB graphics card)

By using PuTTY from your PC to connect to an AIX server, yes! Otherwise, no.

Many companies use AIX, not most.

If I want to learn Oracle, I have a perfectly good CentOS VM (VMware) with Oracle on it.

It's no different for learning Oracle, than learning it on Solaris, or on AIX (save perhaps for learning database tuning and performance).

For the purposes of learning it generally, Oracle is Oracle.

I can't imagine that DB2 is any different. Regardless of which OS you run it on.

Does that mean by using putty I can install AIX OS on my own PC and run DB2?(correct me if I am wrong)
I also want to know how I can do that?

Sorry, I was unclear.

You cannot install AIX on a PC. End of story.

ok. Thanks