How to handle 64 bit arithmetic operation at 32 bit compiled perl interpreter?H

Here is the issue. From the program snippet I have Base: 0x1800000000, Size: 0x3FFE7FFFFFFFF which are of 40 and 56 bits. SO I used use bignum to do the math but summing them up I always failed having correct result.

perl interpreter info,
perl, v5.8.8 built for i386-linux-thread-multi

Program snippet,

use bignum qw/hex/;

$x ="SAD_MISS_REGION:Base:Size

while ( $x =~ /SAD_MISS_REGION:(.+):(.+)/g ) {

$p = $1; $q = $2;
$phex = hex($1); $qhex = hex($2);


print "\n\n\n\nBase: $p, Size: $q \n";
print "\n\n\n\nBaseinDecimal: $phex, SizeinDesimal: $qhex \n";

$z = $phex + $qhex;
print "Z has summed up value:  $z\n";

$zhex = unpack "H*", $z;
#$zhex = uc(sprintf("%x\n", $z));
print "Hexadecimal number of Z: ", $zhex, "\n";


Base: 0x1800000000, Size: 0x3FFE7FFFFFFFF

BaseinDecimal: 103079215104, SizeinDesimal: 1125796827627519
Z has summed up value:  1125899906842623
Hexadecimal number of Z: 31313235383939393036383432363233


Math::BigInt seems to be a solution but i dont have it installed at my remote machine. Need a work around. Please help....