How to halt Prog Execution for some time?

Perhaps I am asking a silly question, but I really don't know about it. Can anyone tell me the function for "sleep" kind of functionality in C language for Unix. I don't think any function with the name of sleep() exits in Unix's C language. or perhaps I am not known with the header file required for this. Can anyone guide me about the correct function to halt the program execution for a specified time? Do tell me the header file required for the function as well.


There is. Right from the man page:

SLEEP(3)                       Linux Programmer's Manual                       SLEEP(3)

       sleep - Sleep for the specified number of seconds

       #include <unistd.h>

       unsigned int sleep(unsigned int seconds);

       sleep()  makes the current process sleep until seconds seconds have elapsed or a
       signal arrives which is not ignored.

       Zero if the requested time has elapsed, or the number of seconds left to  sleep.

There's also usleep to do the same with microsecond granularity.

If you do 'man sleep' you will get the first entry it finds which is the shell sleep command in manual section 1(?).

To get the C definiton of the sleep function you need to qualify the manual section to search into: 'man 3 sleep'