how to grep the responce on TL1

Hi All,

I'm a newbie here.. how can i grep the data when i receive responce from TL1


responce from TL1:

blabalbalbalbalba.,lbalba,SUCCESFULL,blahblahbalabh... how can i grep the "SUCCESSFULL" while i'm running the script? is it possible? because i'm only to know is if SUCCESSFULL or not the responce of TL1

Please advise,


You already said it yourself: Use grep . The man page reveals -q for quiet mode and if you could send anything else you do not need to > /dev/null 2>&1 .
Next you can check what the content of $? is and decide what to do.
This is all you need - there are usually several ways. Just try it out and play around with it. If you get stuck at a specific point, ask again, but do not expect to get a complete solution without showing own effort.
Thanks for your understanding.

oks sir zaxxon.. Thank you very much.. currently i'm playing on it. i hope i can make it. tsktsk.