how to give dictionary effect ?

In google: if we type the text like :-

It gives us a question saying :-

I want to know how to write a shell script to give this Dictionary effect. example:If we give "lst" then it corrects us saying "list".
Can you please help me with a sample code! friends.....

Depends on how you want to implement this.
For the command line? While editing text? While running a script?
The simplest way is through aliases. You can store aliases in your .profile or .exrc or even include them as part of your script. For example, one alias I usually set is:

 alias 'gerp=grep'

...because I usually type "gerp" instead of "grep". The shell doesn't ask me, though.

That might be quite a task, but you could start by looking into aspell. This command spits out 28 possible correct spellings for lst.

echo lst | aspell -a

thx a lot Ken Jackson.
aspell is working very well. I found that we can use aspell, hanspell, enchant.