How to get the return code of subroutines executed as standalone as command line in Perl ?

How to do I get the return code of a subroutine in a perl module if invoke the subroutine as standalone,

I have an module say and in that i have a subroutine say myTest() which is returns 12, if i were to call the subroutine from
command line like

CASE:1 ( Without an explict exit in END routine )

perl -I/tmp/ -MTestExit -e 'myTest()'
echo $?

The above statement doesnot give me the return value of the subroutine ( which is 12 ) I get exit code as 0

Where as if I explicity do an exit in the END routine I am able to get the return code properly

Case2: ( With an explict an exit in END )

perl -I/tmp/ -MTestExit -e 'myTest()'
echo $?

Is there a way to pass an argument to the module or Is there a trick to get the exit code without modifying the END routing to an explict exit,

END routine exit is commented to get to match the case 1

package TestExit;

use strict;
use warnings;

our $status;

   $status = 0;

require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);

our %EXPORT_TAGS = (
                        'basic'    => [qw( myTest


sub myTest {
   print "Called myTest routine, Setting return code as 12\n";
   $status = 12;


  print "RETURN VAL:$status \n";
  #exit $status;


you need to use exit

what about...

perl -I/tmp/ -MTestExit -e 'exit myTest()'
echo $?

remember also, you can only return the value held by a byte,

percy:$perl -e 'exit 257';echo $?                                                                                 

Good one! I didn't think about using exit when i call the routine.

Nagarajan G