How to get the initdefault run level in Solaris 10

Hi All,

In Solaris 9 and below
I will get the init run-level by checking the /etc/inittab entry

But in Solaris 10 we are using the smf functionality.
Here how I can get the init default run level.
Please help me in this problem.


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Solaris 10 uses milestones, as well as the older way of working. So, you can either boot to certain levels, or milestones. In the old days, there were init S/1 2 3 5, but you tend to just boot from either S/1 or 3.

So, with this in mind, you use the milestones as a way of moving up the init level tree.

1 Boot without starting any services.
This command instructs the svc.startd daemon to temporarily disable all services and start sulogin on the console.

ok boot -m milestone=none

2 Log in to the system as root.

3 Enable all services.
# svcadm milestone all

4 Determine where the boot process is hanging.
When the boot process hangs, determine which services are not running by running svcs -a.
Look for error messages in the log files in /var/svc/log.

5 After fixing the problems, verify that all services have started.
a. Verify that all needed services are online.
# svcs -x
b. Verify that the console-login service dependencies are satisfied.
This command verifies that the login process on the console will run.
# svcs -l system/console-login:default

6 Continue the normal booting process.

The who -r command still shows the current run level. Do a bit of research on smf / milestones.