How to get the for loop output from a remote server in UNIX shell scripting?


I am using ksh , when i try to use for loop i am getting the expected output.

$for variable in $(ps -fu user | grep -i something/ | grep -i something | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}');do
> grep $variable /tmp/some_path/*/*
> done

when tried the below to remote server, getting the entire content rather than the expected output.

$for variable in $(ssh server_name "ps -fu user | grep -i something/ | grep -i something | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'");do
> grep $variable /tmp/some_path/*/*
> done

I tried the below to remote server , but getting the below error.

$ssh server_name "for variable in $(ps -fu user | grep -i something/ | grep -i something | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}');do
> grep $variable /tmp/some_path/*/*;
> done"
/bin/ksh: syntax error at line 2: `31656' unexpected

I am not sure what is the syntax mistake i did in the above script.

Please advise.


If you have pgrep then you can probably do

pgrep -u user something

and no problem to run that as ssh argument.
If you insist in your complex commands, save them in a script
And run it remotely with

ssh -qx server_name ksh <

By passing via a stream the script commands are only interpreted by one shell (the ksh at the remote server).

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Thanks you very much , i came across pgrep many times but it didnt strick.

I am able to learn that if we need to run such kind of script better to save and run.

By passing via a stream the script commands are only interpreted by one shell (the ksh at the remote server).


You'll need to fiddle around with some serious escaping, like (and eventually more)

$ssh server_name 'for variable in $(ps -fu user | grep -i something/ | grep -i something | grep -v grep | awk "{print\ \$2}");do  grep "$variable" /tmp/some_path/*/*; done'
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Thank you very much , you are all great, it worked perfectly.

i made only this change to work in ksh

$ssh server_name 'for variable in $(ps -fu user | grep -i something/ | grep -i something | grep -v grep | awk "{print \$2}");do  grep "$variable" /tmp/some_path/*/*; done'
