How to get last 12 month date in YYYY.MM format?

I need the date format in YYYY.MM format and I am able to get current month date as well as previous month date with below command

PM=`date +'%Y.%m' -d 'last month'`
CM=`date +'%Y.%m' -d 'now'`

but I need to get YYYY.MM date format for previous 12 months so could you please help me how I get that in shell scripting ?

I think you are looking for something like this

while [ "$x" -le 12 ]
do  date +'%Y%m' -d "$x month ago"

Though this doesn't assign values to a variable. Does your shell support arrays?

With a recent bash or ksh you could use

printf "%(%Y.%m)T\n" $(( $(printf "%(%s)T\n") - (365 * 86400) ))