How to get File creation date.

Hi All,

I need to get file creation date.

I have to access one file who's name is like...


and the date changes as per current date. And i am accessing this file next day. meance in above case i will access above file on 09-24-2008

Also one problem is that this file in not created on Saturday and Sunday. so i cant use yesterday logic.

I am working on KSH.

Please suggest some code.

Jeevan S.

Afaik there is no file creation time -> ctime, atime, and mtime

Maybe you have to do some workaround like if there is a script creating that file, storing that initial date into some separate file or something.

hi jeevan,

please try the following:

echo touch abc.log092308 > log
echo `date` > log
touch abc.log092308

hence it will create a log file where it will show u the creation date and time...