How to get Device id information on solaris 8

Hi friends

am writing a script to get the device id of i/o devices on solaris. The command
iostat -iE works well on Solaris 5.9 and 5.10 but fails on solaris 5.8 as there is no 'i' switch with iostat command on this os
Can anyone suggest me an alternate way to find device id information on Solaris 5.8

please post an exampel of the output you need...

When i type iostat -iE on my solaris 9 or 10 i get

bash-3.00# iostat -iE
sd0 Soft Errors: 0 Hard Errors: 0 Transport Errors: 0
Vendor: FUJITSU Product: MAP3367N SUN36G Revision: 0401
Device Id: id1,sd@XXXXXXXXX_
Size: 36.42GB <36418595328 bytes>
Media Error: 0 Device Not Ready: 0 No Device: 0 Recoverable: 0
Illegal Request: 0 Predictive Failure Analysis: 0

while if i give the same command on solaris 7 or 8, i get :

# iostat -niE
iostat: illegal option -- i
Usage: iostat [-cCdDeEImMnpPrstxz] [-l n] [T d|u] [disk ...] [interval [count]]
-c: report percentage of time system has spent
in user/system/wait/idle mode
-C: report disk statistics by controller
-d: display disk Kb/sec, transfers/sec, avg.
service time in milliseconds
-D: display disk reads/sec, writes/sec,
percentage disk utilization
-e: report device error summary statistics
-E: report extended device error statistics
-I: report the counts in each interval,
instead of rates, where applicable
-l n: Limit the number of disks to n
-m: Display mount points (most useful with -p)
-M: Display data throughput in MB/sec instead of Kb/sec
-n: convert device names to cXdYtZ format
-p: report per-partition disk statistics
-P: report per-partition disk statistics only,
no per-device disk statistics
-r: Display data in comma separated format
-s: Suppress state change messages
-T d|u Display a timestamp in date (d) or unix time_t (u)
-t: display chars read/written to terminals
-x: display extended disk statistics
-z: Suppress entries with all zero values

so can anyone tell me how to capture device id info on solaris 8 and below

try commands like:
# prtconf -pv
# format