how to generate a list of files

Hello people

I need to find a way to generate a file that contains the names of all *.jpg files that were generated after a specific date
The search should start in my current folder and recursively search inner folders
It would be best to list the file names one below the other in the output file

for example, list all the *.jpg files generated after Dec 13th at 5:00am

any help would be appreciated

See Jims' solution in unix command/s to find files older than 2 hours in a directory

Modify the find as

find /dir/to/search -name '*.jpg' -newer somefile -print

Similiary, the timestamp in touch would correspond to Dec 13 5.00 AM

can you explain what should be substituted for C and S in
touch -t [[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm[.SS] somefile

I am not familiar with these (could S be seconds?)
What is C?

From info touch

`-t [[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm[.ss]'
     Use the argument (optional four-digit or two-digit years, months,
     days, hours, minutes, optional seconds) instead of the current
     time.  If the year is specified with only two digits, then CC is
     20 for years in the range 0 ... 68, and 19 for years in 69 ... 99.
     If no digits of the year are specified, the argument is
     interpreted as a date in the current year.

Yes, ss will be seconds.