How to find the memory in HP-Unix?


I have a HP-Unix server, version B.11.23. Can someone tell me how to find out the physical memory & virtual memory \(swap\) in my server? & what is Page fault? & is there any limitation for page fault?

Thank you. Your help is appreciated.

its eaiser on older HP-UX but here is what I came up with on 11.23

This gets you the Physical Memory.


$cmd = "print_manifest | grep -i memory";
$q = `$cmd`;

$q =~ m/\s+Main Memory:\s+(\d+)\s+\S+/;
$mem = $1 * 1000;
print "physmem=$mem";

Also look at:

swapinfo -t

Thank you. However, can you give me any command for it? I have tried vmstat, swapinfo & glance.

For physical memory:

print_manifest | grep -i memory

#dmesg | grep -i physical
#machinfo | grep -i memory
#swapinfo -tam

be careful with dmesg, the buffer is sometime not large enough and gets cut off.

If you have the Support Tools Manager installed
which is part of the Online Diagnostics Bundle from the
half yearly issued Support PLUS Patch Bundles by HP
and doesn't require an extra license
(it is highly recommended to have it installed for various other diagnostics)
then you could query the memory map like

$ echo "sc prod memory;info;wait;il"|/usr/sbin/cstm |grep -i total.*memory
    Total Configured Memory   : 8192 MB

This is the release I use on this box for instance

$ /usr/sbin/swlist -l bundle OnlineDiag|grep ^[^#]
  OnlineDiag    B.  HPUX 11.11 Support Tools Bundle, December 2007