How to find files older than 30 days

Dear Friends,
I have two queries.
1) I want to see the list of folders which were created 29 days ago.
2) I want to see the folders in which last created file is older than 29 days.
Can it be done?

Thank you in advance

use find..

find . -type d -mtime +30 -ls -long
find . -type f -mtime +30 -ls -long


There's no way to know when something was created. Only when it was last modified.

find . -mtime 29 -type d

Shows directories exactly 29 days old

man find

You can use +29 or -29 to show directories older or newer than 29 days.

Thank you scotten,
I also wanted to kno how to find the list of folders which has files which are last edited 29 days ago.

If it's just the folders names you want, and not the files themselves, this works for me:

find . -type f -mtime +29 | xargs -I{} dirname {} | sort | uniq -u