how to find a position and print some string in the next and same position

I need a script for...
how to find a position of column data and print some string in the next line and same position
position should find based on *HEADER8* in text

for ex: ord123 abs 123 987HEADER89 test234
ord124 abc 124 987HEADER88 test235
ord125 abg 125 987HEADER887 test236

It should be look like :

for ex: ord123 abs 123 987HEADER89 test234
ord124 abc 124 987HEADER88 test235
ord125 abg 125 987HEADER887 test236

Maybe that's what you want:

awk '$4 ~ "HEADER8" {printf "%s\n%s\n", $0,"HEADERREC"}' file

but maybe you need the header on top of record set:

awk '$4 ~ "HEADER8" {printf "HEADERREC"}1' file