How to extract some parts of a file to create some outfile

Try this:

awk '{$1=$1}1' file

Dear All,
I was trying like below to get rid off the space in front of the line(see the previous post).
It will be very nice if anybody can correct this code below.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

$#ARGV==0 or die "Usage: 2ndprocess-megan-script 1st-output-file-as-inputfile\n";

while (<>){
 if (/Taxonomy:/ ) { 
     $x = $1; $x =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; ##for this line there is the error
     open(OUT,">>","output_".$i++) or die "Cannot open for writing:$!\n";
     $f=1; next;
 if (/\+*End of summary for file/ ){
 if ($f) { print OUT $_."\n";}

But its not working.

Can anybody please help me to have the out put in the form:
Gammaproteobacteria: 2767
Alphaproteobacteria: 4123
Deltaproteobacteria: 1343
Epsilonproteobacteria: 26
Betaproteobacteria: 397
unclassified Proteobacteria: 48
Elusimicrobium: 2
candidate division WWE1: 9
Flavobacteria: 2358
Sphingobacteria: 136
Bacteroidia: 162
environmental samples: 21
Chlorobia: 77
Planctomycetacia: 40
Spirochaetes (class): 15
Nitrospira (class): 1
Bacilli: 25
Not assigned: 1445
No hits: 220253

Thanks a lot.