How to echo within EOF (here-document)

ssh $USR@$host /bin/bash  <<\EOF >> ship-error.txt
awk 'BEGIN{f=0} !f { s=$0; sub(/,.+/, "", s); gsub(/[-: ]/, " ", s); t=(systime()-mktime(s)); if(t<=14400) f=1 } f ' /logs/shiperror.log

I want to use an echo command within the EOF. Is this possible?
something like this: So that it prints the server name first and then awk command results to the ship-error.txt

ssh $USR@$host /bin/bash  <<\EOF >> ship-error.txt
echo "Server Name: $host" 
awk 'BEGIN{f=0} !f { s=$0; sub(/,.+/, "", s); gsub(/[-: ]/, " ", s); t=(systime()-mktime(s)); if(t<=14400) f=1 } f ' /logs/shiperror.log

but $host value doesnot appear.

I hardly ever use here, as it is interpreted too unconditionally/oddly for complex data. I use echo '...'"$..."'...' | ....

Why the \ in the <<EOF? Oh, you are turning off expansions like $host!

Here Documents

Instead of
echo "Server Name: $host" 
echo "Server Name: $(uname -n)"

Yes, even if .profile sets $host, ssh does not run it except if you command it explicitly. Sometimes, when using a remote script or complex command or installed application, its

ssh2 user@remot '. ./.profile;command args'