How to delete the word after a regular expression


Lucas RUNCYCLE Rule1 Astigmatism
Robot RUNCYCLE Rule2 Jack RUNCYCLE Calendar1 June
Lucy RUNCYCLE Exception4 Fear RUNCYCLE Calendar5 August

In this example, how can I delete the next after the expression RUNCYCLE? (i.e. Rule1, Rule2, Calendar1, Exception1, Calendar5)

I'm thinking of awk and/or sed but I can't figure out how to exactly do it. BTW, I'm programming in Korn shell.

Thanks in advance.

With perl:

perl -p -e 's/(RUNCYCLE)(\s\S+)/\1/g' infile
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With sed:

sed 's/RUNCYCLE [^ *]*/RUNCYCLE/g' file
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ruby -ne 'gsub(/RUNCYCLE[ \t]*[^ \t]*/,"RUNCYCLE ");print' file