How to delete a particular string from different locations ?

I want to delete a particular string ( ex : ) from different locations and in different files in each location.

Please help me !

# command to get rid of data
sed '/ //g' <in_file >out_file
# over-write original file
cp out_file in_file

From that, you could build a loop or loops to cycle thru your files. You did not specify filenames or directories, therefore that could not be included.

you can use "sed -i" (-i, edit files in place)

sed -i -e 's/some-string//' inputfile

BTW, Solaris version of sed does not support -i

Kindly check the following script

for i in `ls`
sed 's/stringname//' $i >$i,
mv $i, $i

If u want delete the string from different locations u have to use ls followed by path of the directory.

That's a Useless Use of ls -- you're better off simply with for i in *