How to create folders/subfolders using shellscript

Can any one help me how to create folders using shellscript.My requirement is:

FolderName: Main/Main1

underSubFolder : Main1/A

underSubfolder: A/A1

underSubfolder: B/B1

---> Main1
--> C1

All these folders should have a permission equivalent to 755.

Thanks Lot.


create a varaiable with all these folder names as per there order.
then start a for loop of these main folder values and create foldes using
mkdir and varaiable name.

nearly same code i m posting which delete all files in your folder and create a new one. you can use the same for your reference.

echo " in loop"

for f in *.a -- start loop of varaible- having folder values

    rm $f  ---- HERE USE mkdir
    echo $f
    cat /dev/null>  $f

    echo $f


use mkdir -p