How to convert mmm-yy to mm/dd/yyyy format in UNIX ?

How to convert mmm-yy to mm/dd/yyyy format in unix ?


Jan-99 to 01/01/1999
Jan-00 to 01/01/2000
Jan-25 to 01/01/2025

Dec-99 to 01/12/1999
Dec-00 to 01/12/2000
Dec-25 to 01/12/2025

YY anything between 00-50 should be 2000-2050
YY anything between 51-99 should be 1951-1999

Appreciate your help, thanks!

Why is your output mm/dd/yyyy when your example shows output as dd/mm/yyyy?

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What have you tried to solve this problem on your own?

In what form are these input values? C Language character arrays? Shell variables? Text files?

What operating system are you using?

What shell are you using?