How to convert csv file to xls file

Hi All,

I have a java program running in AIX machine which gives me the output in form of .CSV but my clients wants output in the form of .xls

When I gave the command mv <filename.csv> <filename.xls>
The contents of this .xls file is not exactly in seprate columns as in CSV, the contents in this .xls file is comma seprated and all put into one column.

In windows its easy to convert, save as will finish the job.
How to do this in AIX. Is there any unix command?

Thanks in advance


I doubt that it will work on AIX since Excel is not an application capable to run on AIX at all. If it would work, than tools like nmon consolidator and similar tools could be run on AIX and this is not possible for the time being. You might be able to convert it to xml but I am not sure if it would be of any benefit for you.
