How to control/overide shutdown/reboot process?

Dear all,

I want to control my server from shutting down and rebooting.
It will ask for some question before the process, ex: who are you? what is the reason for shutting down? ...

I think I can overide that binary of shutdown/reboot command, but it is confused.
We have many way to shutdown/reboot:

  1. By using mouse.
  2. Or many commands: halt, shutshown, reboot, poweroff, init 6.

Do you have any ideas?

Give the root password to only two people- you and one other you trust
That way only you can shutdown the server.

No, you mis-understood my idea. It is not to secure root password, only to log the reason before shutdown/reboot (like Windows 2003 severs)
my idea is: "Admin users can shutdown/reboot, but everytime they want to reboot they have to answer some questions to keep record of servers shutdown/reboot".

Question could be like this:
1/ what is your name ?
2/ Reason of shutdown/reboot ?

And they may answer:
1/ John Mayer
2/ new package installed

After they answer those questions, the real shutdown/reboot process will start.

And we have log file record that:
[Date and time] [name] [action] [reason] [login from]
2007-03-25 15:02:21 John mayer reboot new package installed

Anyone have an idea?

1)write a script called "servershutdwn" that asks the quetions.
Log the results away in a log file, then executes the real shut down command.
2) do what we do. - All "re-boots" are auhthrised by my department and logged in spread sheet on a windows drive so that management gets a monthly report of re-boot activity.
3) i still reckon you should limit root access, say use "sudo" (for example)

It simply boils down to server security, procedures and policices

Thank Andrek,

So how about the real shutdown binary?, I dont want it to run directly even by root account! So I'll make an alias to servershutdown script, is it OK?