How to control remotely "full" Linux router in GUI ?


I mean Unix Linux general solution, so please don't move my question, as it's Unix specific.

I would like to remotely control my "full" Linux router.
Already succeeded to compile Linux Unix dialog, running some tests.

The issue is dialog comes with a limited number of widget boxes for use.
So I would like to combine 2 or more boxes into one, integrating gauge with input, output and the like.

So I need to build GUI diagnostic tool for my router with data refresh,
to replace static Web interface.

Please let me know if ncurses library + dialog is the only solution to remotely control my router ?

Using VNC I still need to write GUI application, to be run on a router.

As dialog widgets work fine, please tell me, how complicated is to modify code of dialog widgets to get what I need -
more entry fields, info refresh for data transfer and the like.

Dialog code is GNU c.
Project is unfortunatelly no more maintained.
Contacted 3 other dialog developers, from man pages,
unfortunately contact e-mail addresses are no more valid.

My experince with Visual Basic and OCX controls is exactly what I would
to rely on my GUI interface for a router.

Unfortunately widgets cannot be used like OCX controls, to be put on a form to work.

If you are aware of any c programming environment, to let my job easier
in modifying c code, I would really appreciate your help.


Configure X11 tunnelling over SSH and you can write your code in whatever graphical environment you want. GTK is a popular API for GUI in C.


do you mean examples like that ?

Joelbryan on Software: May 2006

The issue is Linux embedded device is not running xwindows,
so Unix dialog utility was ok.
Unfortunately project is no more under development
and standard list of available widget boxes is very limited for use
as a graphical interface.

Dialog widgets look really nice.
If I am not contacted by another developer, showing interest in Unix dialog utility I will start building dynamic GUI interface using
Ajax + DHTML + data streaming to get animated data update GUI interface, accessible from a web browser.
I am aware of Ajax limitations but still no other solution.


If you showed more work in your part and described the problem and situation better it would be a lot easier to help you. Not everyone knows what Dialog is, I suppose its a text-based GUI? And I did not know you meant an embedded router or I wouldn't have suggested X11, sorry about that.

Right now you're giving us a blanket "it's broken, fix it", example programs displaying the problem would be really useful. Much moreso than quoting small parts of excised library code in the hope some keen eye here will spot something wrong in it despite the total lack of context.

My dear friend,

please read the subject line
How to control remotely "full" Unix Linux router in GUI ?

If you are interested in dialog widgets I can send more examples.
The issue is, how to make full text-based GUI interface of the existing
widget boxes (like in old good MS DOS) or to start writing my own
full box interface, based on examples coming with already compiled widget boxes.

As my previous reply is lost, just let me know what I should write now
and thanks for your interest in dialog utility, already 15 years old project.
