how to change the font size of shell in $ prompt

Can any help me to change the default font type and its size..

To clear more about my question..
Once i login to my unix domain... the font it displaying is of small size...
all my shell commands i am executing in $ prompt also carries the same style(ls, date and echo...)

i searched whole forum and googled it for long time and didnt found out the answers...:frowning:

im in ksh and im using Secure CRT to connect to my server...
tried many things.. one among that is

vi .kshrc
and typed as set guifont=TimesNewRoman:h11:cANSI
didnt worked.. :frowning:

First you have to find out what type your terminal is. Issue "echo $TERM" and if it is

vt100, vt200, ansi or the like

you have to change the font in the terminal emulation software you use (putty, hyperterm, whatever).

xterm or aixterm

right-click into the window while you hold down the ALT-key (or the CTRL-key? not sure, just try) and select a different size from the upcoming menu. To change the fonts selected by the menu entries (if you do not like them altogether) enter the appropriate X-resource string into your "$HOME/.Xdefaults" file.

Here is an example, which will add a font with german diacriticals ("Umlauts") to the XTerm font menu and label it "ISO8859-Charset":

XTerm*VT100*font1: -ibm--medium-r-medium--20-14-100-100-c-90-iso8859-1
XTerm*fontMenu*font1*Label:   ISO8859-Charset


simply select "Options" from the menu. To make the change lasting change the preferences of CDE.

I hope this helps.


Thanks Bakunin...
I have vt100..
Im using Secure CRT emulator...

Found out how to do.. There a button called "SESSION OPTIONS" and in that "APPEARANCE TAB" we can change the Font type and Font size..

Thanks for your reply.. :slight_smile: