How to call exeute multiple bash shells from one master shell?

I have few bash shells, which i want to run sequentially,

how to create a shell file, and execute/call one after other shell file. I am very new to shell programming. Bult some and running individually and also with crontab scheduler.

never had a shell calling other shells, kindly would like to know.

./ (this will be the master shell file)
so on so forth upto 8 shells.

Thanks a lot for the helpful info.

Well, yes, list the shell scripts, preferably with absolute paths, one after the other in the master script to have them executed sequentially. Make sure you set permissions correctly. If unsure, make up a few simple test scripts and test your setup, e.g. with the -vx options set.

In it's simplest form you would put one script after the other, it's best to use full paths to avoid the script failing if you aren't in the correct directory eg:



However typically you would want to check the exit status of each script and take appropriate action if this fails perhaps something like this:


if [ $? -ne 0 ]
     echo " failed exit status was: $?" >&2
     echo "script terminated" >&2
     exit 1
