How to allign output data in UNIX that is separated with a pipe "|" symbol ?

Experts ,
In the given output of the log file, the 2nd field that is separated by "|" pipe is not aligned well due to the uneven data length, I would like it to align the 2nd column with 37 length (that is disturbed in the output) including the pipe . The two pepe "|" would be in a aligned way with length 37 , so it would look better.

Please advise how to align the output ,

# cat logfile

zmihx88   |     ia64 hp Integrity BL890c i8   |          B.11.23 |         4:84pm  up  99:94,  8  
umihx70   |     ia64 hp server BL870c   |                B.11.23 |         4:84pm  up  98:08,  0 
zmihx79   |     ia64 hp server BL870c   |                B.11.23 |         4:84pm  up  98:09,  0  
zmihx78   |     9000/800/rp8440     |                    B.11.23 |         4:84pm  up   8:76,  0 
zmihx77   |     9000/800/rp8440   |                      B.11.23 |         4:84pm  up  98:86,  0  
wmihx95   |     9000/800/K520   |                        B.11.23 |         4:84pm  up   9:80,  0  
wmihx96   |     9000/800/rp8440   |                      B.11.23 |         4:84pm  up   7:59,  0 
wmihx86   |     9000/800/S96K-A   |                      B.11.31 |         4:84pm  up   4:88,  0  
umihx87   |     9000/800/rp8440     |                    B.11.23 |         4:84pm  up  6:50,   0  
umihx82   |     9000/800/S96K-A   |                      B.11.23 |         4:84pm  up  97:87,  0 

The output should be look like below:

           |<------  37  space --------------->|
zmihx88    |     ia64 hp Integrity BL890c i8   |          B.11.23 |         4:84pm  up  99:94,  8  
umihx70    |     ia64 hp server BL870c         |          B.11.23 |         4:84pm  up  98:08,  0 
zmihx79    |     ia64 hp server BL870c         |          B.11.23 |         4:84pm  up  98:09,  0  
zmihx78    |     9000/800/rp8440               |          B.11.23 |         4:84pm  up   8:76,  0 
zmihx77    |     9000/800/rp8440               |          B.11.23 |         4:84pm  up  98:86,  0  
wmihx95    |     9000/800/K520                 |          B.11.23 |         4:84pm  up   9:80,  0  
wmihx96    |     9000/800/rp8440               |          B.11.23 |         4:84pm  up   7:59,  0 
wmihx86    |     9000/800/S96K-A               |          B.11.31 |         4:84pm  up   4:88,  0  
umihx87    |     9000/800/rp8440               |          B.11.23 |         4:84pm  up  6:50,   0  
umihx82    |     9000/800/S96K-A               |          B.11.23 |         4:84pm  up  97:87,  0 


awk -F\| ' { gsub(" ","",$3); printf "%-10s|%-37s|%10s |%s\n", $1, $2, $3, $4 } ' filename

Small correction to bipinajith's code for getting desired result.. :slight_smile:

awk -F\| ' { gsub(" ","",$3); printf "%-10s|%-37s|%15s |%s\n", $1, $2, $3, $4 } ' file