How to align/sort the column pairs of an csv file, based on keyword word specified in another file?

I have a csv file as shown below,

xop_thy		80	avr_njk		50	str_nyu		60
avr_irt		70	str_nhj		60	avr_ngt		50
str_tgt		80	xop_nmg		50	xop_nth		40
cyv_gty		40	cop_thl		40	vir_tyk		80
vir_plo		20	vir_thk		40	ijk_yuc		70		
cop_thy		70	ijk_yuc		80	irt_hgt		80

I need to align/sort the csv file based on the order mentioned in another file (keyword file) as shown below,


The desired output is shown below,

xop_thy		80	xop_nmg		50	xop_nth		40
avr_irt		70	avr_njk		50	avr_ngt		50
str_tgt		80	str_nhj		60	str_nyu		60
cyv_gty		40		
vir_plo		20	vir_thk		40	vir_tyk		80		
cop_thy		70	cop_thl		40	
			ijk_yuc		80	ijk_yuc		70
						irt_hgt		80

The major condition is the column to be arranged pair wise (while rearrangement the string column should take the concerned value column adjacent to it together) like wise the pairs of columns to be rearranged based on the keywords. Another problem the keyword is the starting letters of each column, the keyword file has only starting strings of the columns strings. each column pairs are having common keyword but after the underscore symbol it vary. Therefore, I do not know how to make code for it. If it number or alphabet based sorting I can use

function. But here i could not use it due to the complexity of condition. I am not sure, Is it possible to do the same. if it possible please help me.
Thanks in advance.

I don't think you get very far with sort . Try instead

awk -F"\t" '
NR==FNR {for (i=1; i<=3; i++)   {IX = (i-1)*3+1
                                 split ($IX, T, "_")
                                 O[T[1] FS i] = $IX FS FS $(IX+2)
        {for (i=1; i<=3; i++)  printf "%s%s", O[$1 FS i] (O[$1 FS i]?_:FS FS) , i==3?ORS:FS
' file.csv file.key
xop_thy        80    xop_nmg        50    xop_nth        40
avr_irt        70    avr_njk        50    avr_ngt        50
str_tgt        80    str_nhj        60    str_nyu        60
cyv_gty        40                        
vir_plo        20    vir_thk        40    vir_tyk        80
cop_thy        70    cop_thl        40            
                     ijk_yuc        80    ijk_yuc        70
                                          irt_hgt        80
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Sorry Rudic,
When I tried your code, it gives output like this

xop_thy     80     avr_njk     50     str_nyu     60								
avr_irt     70     str_nhj     60     avr_ngt     50								
str_tgt     80     xop_nmg     50     xop_nth     40								
cyv_gty     40     cop_thl     40     vir_tyk     80								
vir_plo     20     vir_thk     40     ijk_yuc     70								
cop_thy     70     ijk_yuc     80     irt_hgt     80

That is not surprising. In post #1 in this thread you said you had CSV input files and used an example that used <tab> characters as the character that separates values. The code RudiC provided explicitly specified the <tab> character as the field separator.

In this post, however, there are no <tab> characters; only sequences of <space>s. And, since the number of spaces between fields is not a constant, we can't say that your field separator is a sequence of 8 <space>s or of 9 <space>s.

If you don't accurately describe your input file format, it is hard to guess at what might work with whatever random data format you decide to use when you run code that was designed to use the input format you originally specified.


Dear Don,
That is why, I changed my data set as comma separated file and modified the awk input code as

awk -F"," 


awk -F, 

respectively. But, this modification also failed to generate desired output as I mentioned.

I haven't seen where you mentioned anything at all about changing your sample input file format nor about changing the code RudiC suggested.

Please show us your new sample input file and the complete code that you are using to process that input file to produce the output you showed us in post #3. Note that the code RudiC suggested with the changes you showed us in post #5 would not produce output that looks at all like the output you showed us in post #3!

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I have changed my input dataset as given below,


Then, I have modified the code suggested by rudic as follows,

awk -F, '
NR==FNR {for (i=1; i<=3; i++)   {IX = (i-1)*3+1
                                 split ($IX, T, "_")
                                 O[T[1] FS i] = $IX FS FS $(IX+2)
        {for (i=1; i<=3; i++)  printf "%s%s", O[$1 FS i] (O[$1 FS i]?_:FS FS) , i==3?ORS:FS
' org1.csv key.txt > test.csv


awk -F "," '
NR==FNR {for (i=1; i<=3; i++)   {IX = (i-1)*3+1
                                 split ($IX, T, "_")
                                 O[T[1] FS i] = $IX FS FS $(IX+2)
        {for (i=1; i<=3; i++)  printf "%s%s", O[$1 FS i] (O[$1 FS i]?_:FS FS) , i==3?ORS:FS
' org1.csv key.txt > test.csv

Both modification generated the output as follows,
For awk -F,


For awk -F","


However, I tried the modified code for (awk -F, and awk -F",") tab separated data set and got output as given below,

xop_thy	80	avr_njk	50	str_nyu	60,,,,,,,,
avr_irt	70	str_nhj	60	avr_ngt	50,,,,,,,,
str_tgt	80	xop_nmg	50	xop_nth	40,,,,,,,,
cyv_gty	40	cop_thl	40	vir_tyk	80,,,,,,,,
vir_plo	20	vir_thk	40	ijk_yuc	70,,,,,,,,
cop_thy	70	ijk_yuc	80	irt_hgt	80,,,,,,,,

Note: The out shown here is viewed in text editor.

No surprise things are going amiss. You changed both the field separator AND the file structure several times. In post #1, you had <TAB> field separators, and an empty field between the key string and the numerical value pertaining to it. In post #3, there were just a handful spaces separating the fields. And then, in post #7, comma separators, and no empty field. As Don Cragun already pointed out, that won't fly without the necessary code adaptions.
With your last input sample file, try

awk -F"," '
NR==FNR {for (i=1; i<=3; i++)   {IX = (i-1)*2+1
                                 split ($IX, T, "_")
                                 O[T[1] FS i] = $IX FS $(IX+1)
        {for (i=1; i<=3; i++)  printf "%s%s", O[$1 FS i] (O[$1 FS i]?_:FS) , i==3?ORS:FS
'  org1.csv key.txt

And, don't change neither code nor input structure without exactly knowing what you are doing!

EDIT: With your "new and simpler" file structure, above can be simplified to

awk -F"," '
NR==FNR {for (i=1; i<=5; i+=2)  {split ($i, T, "_")
                                 O[T[1] FS i] = $i FS $(i+1)
        {for (i=1; i<=5; i+=2)  printf "%s%s", O[$1 FS i] (O[$1 FS i]?_:FS) , i==5?ORS:FS
' org1.csv key.txt